Acupuncture has a history that is over 2.000 years old. Through these years, its trials and testings (most likely in the billions) have been in real-world clinical use. From this, Acupuncture evolved into one of the safest and most effective forms of medical therapy. One large study cited by the University of Maryland Medical Center found only 43 minor adverse effects out of 34,407 acupuncture treatments! (approximately 0.12%.)
Acupuncture is incorporated into the health systems of many countries, but is mostly used in the U.S. as an Alternative Medicine. Yet, things are changing.
Numerous scientific studies prove its effectiveness. The World Health Organization recommends Acupuncture for a number of conditions. Over 3.500 MDs are now certified in Medical Acupuncture* and have integrated it into their practices.
*Note: Over 3,000 hours of education and training (which includes western biosciences) are required to become a Licensed Acupuncturist in NY. Medical Doctors need only 300 hours of course work in order to be certified in Medical Acupuncture.
Acupuncture is incorporated into the health systems of many countries, but is mostly used in the U.S. as an Alternative Medicine. Yet, things are changing.
Numerous scientific studies prove its effectiveness. The World Health Organization recommends Acupuncture for a number of conditions. Over 3.500 MDs are now certified in Medical Acupuncture* and have integrated it into their practices.
*Note: Over 3,000 hours of education and training (which includes western biosciences) are required to become a Licensed Acupuncturist in NY. Medical Doctors need only 300 hours of course work in order to be certified in Medical Acupuncture.
Acupuncture does not hurt
The sterile needles used are as thin as a hair, and typically are not felt when inserted. They are solid, yet flexible, and do not inject anything into the skin. Some needles are as short as 1/4 inch. Once the needles are inserted, you will not feel them, but you may experience mild sensations of your Qi being activated…such as warmth or tingling. Our style of practice does not require a lot of needles…. generally, only several are used per treatment.
If you’re still nervous about a treatment, here are some things to consider: